1. 推荐人对被推荐人的基本评价。侧重于被推荐人的专业基础、个性、特点、工作态度和在学术上的前途估计。恰如其分地评价被推荐人的基础、能力和前途,赞誉要恰到好处,不要言过其辞。
2. 推荐人可以着重介绍被推荐人的课堂和考试表现,曾经获得的奖励,发表过的论文,参加过的重要学术会议,以及曾在学生组织或学术团体中的任职等来支持自己的评价。真实的举例会让推荐信更有说服力和真实性。
3. 推荐人还应该清楚地表明被推荐人留学的身份是研究生,博士或者是访问学者,专业领域和研究方向是什么。
4. 推荐信尾必须有推荐人的亲笔签名,职位和联系方式。
1. Salutation (称呼)
If you are writing a personal letter of reference, include a salutation (Dear Dr. LEE, Dear Mr. Jonas, etc.). If you are writing a general reference letter, say “To Whom it May Concern” or simply don’t include a salutation.
2. Paragraph 1 (第一段宗旨)
The first paragraph of the reference letter explains your connection to the person you are recommending, including how you know them, and why you are qualified to write a reference letter to recommend undergraduate/graduate school.
3. Paragraph 2 (第二段宗旨)
The second paragraph of the reference letter contains specific information on the person you are writing about, including why they are qualified, what they can contribute, and why you are providing a reference letter. If necessary, use more than one paragraph to provide details.
4. Paragraph 3(第三段宗旨)
When writing a reference letter referring a candidate for a undergraduate/graduate school, the letter will include information on how the person’s skills match the course they are applying for. Ask for a copy of the person’s resume or academic history and transcript so you can target your reference letter accordingly.
5. Summary of the recommendation (推荐信总结段落)
This section of the reference letter contains a brief summary of why are you are recommending the person. State that you “highly recommend” the person or you “recommend without reservation” or something similar.
6. Conclusion of the whole letter (全文总结)
The concluding paragraph of the reference letter contains an offer to provide more information. Include a phone number within the paragraph,include the phone number and email address in the return address section of your letter, or in your signature.
7. Sincerely,
Writer Name (Signature)